
Philippines' New Island Defense Plan Against China's Maritime Expansion Shown To Japanese Newspaper Kyodo

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 10, 2014 11:53 AM EDT

A new island defense plan against possible Chinese maritime expansion was shown to Kyoto, a Japanese newspaper, by a senior Philippine official. read more

US Political Groups Can Now Accept Bitcoin Donations

Lemuel Cacho   | May 10, 2014 05:43 AM EDT

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) ruled last Thursday, May 8, that bitcoin donations to political committees are already allowed. read more

Chinese Migrants Attracted to Shanghai

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 10, 2014 09:03 AM EDT

People in China have been attracted to migrate in Shanghai following the recorded net inflow of migrants into the city at 9.535 million last year. read more

"Rice Theory" May Explain Trait Differences Between North and South Chinese

Robert Sarkanen   | May 10, 2014 07:34 AM EDT

A new study that looked into the psychological differences between people from northern and southern China showed a possible link between behaviours and the staple food they grow. read more

UN Says There Are Still 1 Billion People Publicly Defecating Despite Health Risks

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 09, 2014 07:47 PM EDT

A study conducted by the United Nations said that there are still 1 billion people continuing to practice open defecation despite health risks. read more

Dog Meat Fest Opens in Guangxi, Ignites Protests From Dog Lovers

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 09, 2014 01:04 PM EDT

An ongoing dog meat festival in Guangxi province in Southern China has triggered protests from dog lovers and animal rights advocates in the country and abroad. read more

Man Kills 7 Villagers in Hebei Over Financial Dispute

Marcel Woo   | May 09, 2014 10:36 AM EDT

A financial dispute had turned deadly when a man killed seven villagers in East Pangjiawa, Quyang County, Hebei province, shortly after midnight on Friday, authorities said. read more

1,281 Chinese Dead from Disease Last Month; AIDS kills Most

Robert Sarkanen   | May 09, 2014 08:51 AM EDT

The National Health and Family Planning Commission of China announced on Thursday: 1,281 people died of infectious diseases in mainland China just last month. read more

Syphilis On the Rise Among Gay and Bisexual Men

Robert Sarkanen   | May 09, 2014 06:23 AM EDT

CDC reports that cases of Syphilis, a venereal disease, are increasing among gay and bisexual men in the United States, despite being nearly eliminated more than a decade ago. read more

Megamouth Shark Caught in Japan Cut Open in Front of 1,500 Spectators

Bianca Ortega   | May 09, 2014 06:10 AM EDT

A rare deep-see monster known as the Megamouth shark, which was caught in Japan, was cut open in front of 1,500 spectators during a public autopsy outside the Marine Science Museum. read more

Suspect Guo Xing Chen Cleared of Suspicion in Target Data Breach

Robert Sarkanen   | May 09, 2014 07:37 AM EDT

Guo Xing Chen, who was arrested in Texas in December has now been cleared of suspicion of involvement in the massive Target data breach. read more

Stricter Security Measures Adopted To Ease Public Anxiety

Homar Murillo   | May 08, 2014 12:29 PM EDT

Increased police visibility and other security measures had been adopted to reduce the public's anxiety brought about by recent acts of terrorism. read more

Chinese Journalist and Other Activists Detained Ahead of Tiananmen Anniversary

Katie Collom   | May 08, 2014 06:24 AM EDT

Beijing police announced Thursday that they have arrested and detained veteran journalist Gao Yu for leaking "state secrets" to foreign contacts. read more

People are Motivated to Volunteer Even When They are Angry or Sad, Study Shows

Robert Sarkanen   | May 08, 2014 05:37 AM EDT

Empathy motivates people to volunteer, whether it is empathic sadness or anger, a new study shows. read more

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