
China Holds Record For World's Highest Tunnel

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 03, 2014 09:16 AM EDT

The highest tunnel in the world with altitude of 3,607.4 meters has finished linking different provinces in China today. read more

Chinese Youth Seek Out the Company of Cabbages to Help with Loneliness and Depression

Katie Collom   | May 03, 2014 01:28 AM EDT

Chinese teenagers walk cabbages as a way to deal with negative emotions and feelings. read more

Chinese Schoolmaster Kisses Pig, Keeps His Promise To Students

Acsilyn Miyazaki   | May 02, 2014 09:59 AM EDT

Chinese schoolmaster Hong Yaoming has kissed a 20kg piglet to honor his promise to his students. read more

Thousands of Firefighters Dispatched to Extinguish Two Forest Fires in China

Shiena Iane Bernardino   | May 02, 2014 06:52 AM EDT

Around 3,000 people were dispatched to control two forest fires that raged in the southwest and northern regions of China this week. read more

Two Dead in Xinjiang Explosion Identified as Assailants

Katie Collom   | May 01, 2014 10:57 PM EDT

China's government has identified the attackers responsible for the explosion which rocked a train station in Xinjiang on Wednesday evening as religious extremists. read more

US Doctors Regenerate Lost Muscle Tissue Using Pig Material Implant

Bianca Ortega   | May 01, 2014 11:25 AM EDT

US doctors and researchers succeeded in helping lost muscle tissue regenerate in patients who have experienced traumatic injuries through a new kind of treatment that involves implanting pig material at the site of injury. read more

Yale To Open Center In Beijing

Marcel Woo   | May 01, 2014 07:52 AM EDT

Yale University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States, announced today that it will be opening a Yale Leadership Center in China's capital, Beijing, its first physical footprint in the country. read more

Chinese Activist Freed Ahead of Tiananmen Student Protests

Desiree Sison   | May 01, 2014 07:34 AM EDT

Chinese political activist, Xu Wanping, was released from jail after almost 20 years in prison and labor camps. Reports said his release was the result of his "good behavior" although Xu suffered poor health conditions while in prison. read more

Primary School Teacher Nabbed for 'Raping' 12 Children

Staff Reporter   | May 01, 2014 07:30 AM EDT

A 30-year-old primary teacher from Guizhou province, who allegedly raped 12 students, had been arrested Wednesday in Nanfeng village, authorities said today. read more

China Ranks 2nd In Highest Number Of Women CEOs

Shiena Iane Bernardino   | May 01, 2014 02:58 AM EDT

China ranks second in the list of countries with the most number of females in managerial positions holding the title of chief executive officers, a recent report showed. read more

Blast at China’s Urumqi Train Station Kills 3, Injures 79

Bianca Ortega   | May 01, 2014 12:12 AM EDT

An explosion of yet unconfirmed cause shook China’s Urumqi railway station in the Xinjiang region, killing 3 people and leaving 79 others injured, according to a media report. read more

Chinese Officials Cite Permit Issue in Demolition of Sanjiang Church

Bianca Ortega   | Apr 30, 2014 10:38 AM EDT

Chinese officials said the Sanjiang Church in Wenzhou, Zheijiang province was demolished because it did not follow the size stipulated in its permit, while parishioners accused China of conducting a campaign against Christians. read more

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