03/04/2025 06:17:11 am

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Barack Obama

India-U.S. Bear-Hug Relations

Indian PM's Obama Bear-Hug Breaks Protocol, Sign of Warming India-U.S. Ties

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi did what no other world leader managed to do with U.S. President Barack Obama - give him not just a handshake, but a forceful bear-hug.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama

Obama Tells Netanyahu To Stop Pushing Congress Toward New Iran Sanctions

U.S. President Barack Obama has called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop pushing the U.S. Congress and Senate to impose new sanctions on Iran amid reports that Netanyahu was invited to speak before the Congress on March.

Malik Bryant,13, Invited by Obama to Attend State Of The Union Address

Malik Bryant, a thirteen-year-old boy from Chicago, has been asking for his safety in a letter to Santa resulting to United States President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama to invite the teenager in the State of the Union address on Tuesday.

White House Invades Different Social Media Sites to Widen Reach of President’s State of the Union Address

Then Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama extensively used social media such as microblogging site Twitter to win the presidency in 2008. Seven years later, he has gone beyond Twitter and has tapped other forms of social media for the State of the Union address to reach more Americans.

US President Barack Obama

Obama to Propose Closing of Multibillion Tax Loopholes to Benefit Middle Class

United States President, Barack Obama, is set to deliver his State of the Union address where he explains his proposal to close multibillion dollar tax loopholes and use the revenue to benefit the middle class on Tuesday.


House Votes to Revoke Legal Protection for Millions of Immigrants

While the House voted on Wednesday to kill major provisions of the immigration policy of U.S. President Barack Obama that would provide legal protection to millions of immigrants, 26 Republicans crossed party lines and rejected the amendment that would reverse the president's 2012 executive action.

Mike Huckabee

Huckabee Calls Out Obama For Letting Kids Listen To Beyonce Songs

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee questioned United States President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama's parenting methods, slamming them for letting their daughters listen to Beyonce's songs.

Je Suis Charlie

White House Regrets ‘Weak’ US Presence in Paris Unity March

The White House revealed that U.S. President Barack Obama would have wanted to attend the unity march in Paris over the weekend to show its solidarity with France, which has been rocked by a series of militant attacks that left 17 people dead.

Je Suis Charlie

U.S. Invites Allies to Security Summit on February 18

In the wake of the recent terror attacks in Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo's headquarters that killed 17 victims including four French Jews in a grocery, U.S. President Barack Obama called on his allies to attend a global security summit on February 18 in Washington to discuss ways to prevent violent extremism.

Keystone Oil Pipeline

Obama Might Use Veto Power For Proposed Keystone XL Legislation

U.S. President Barack Obama will use his veto power against the proposed legislation for the Keystone XL pipeline, the White House said in a statement.

President Obama

Obama Apologizes To Army Couple Who Had To Change Wedding Location

U.S. President Barack Obama apologized on Sunday to an Army couple whose wedding venue was moved at the last minute because the president and his friends were teeing off at the Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course.


Security Experts Question North Korea's Involvement In Sony Pictures Attack

Security experts are still not convinced North Korea is behind the Sony Pictures attack.

Senator Marco Rubio

Senator Marco Rubio Claims Foreign Policy Of Obama Over Cuba Is Supported By Senator Rand Paul

United States President Barack Obama has recently lifted the bans over Cuba and has restored its ties with the country resulting to disagreements between elected officials such as Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio and fellow Republican Senator Rand Paul.


Sony Pictures Attack "Not An Act Of War" According to Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama claimed the Sony Pictures attack was not "an act of war" against the U.S. by North Korea.

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters

Kurdish Peshmerga Forces Claim Over Major Victories Against IS

Kurdish Peshmerga forces claim taking "large area" of town of Sinjar after ending months-long siege of nearby Mount Sinjar

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