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Carbon emissions

Germany Invests In Renewable Energy Sources

China Allocates $7.3B for Rural Methane Projects to Boost Clean Energy

China will allocate 50 billion yuan ($7.3 billion) to build methane projects on rural areas to boost its clean energy use, according to the country's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020).

Global warming graphic

Record High Temperatures will become the Norm Worldwide by 2025

High annual global average temperatures are inevitable.

South pole carbon dioxide levels hit milestone record at 400 ppm.

Carbon Dioxide Levels in Antarctica Reach Highest Ever in 4 Million Years

NOAA just revealed alarming carbon dioxide rates that already reached the Antarctic region, at 400 ppm, which is the highest ever in 4 million years.

El Niño

El Nino Boosts Carbon Dioxide Levels in Atmosphere to Alarming Highest Records

Scientists warn that El Nino is driving carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere into the most alarming highest levels, beyond climate thresholds.

New research has detected smaller sulfur dioxide concentrations and sources around the world, including human-made sources such as medium-size power plants and oil-related activities.

NASA Satellite Detects 39 Unreported Toxic Sulfur Dioxide Pollutants

New data collected from a NASA satellite reveals 39 new sources of hazardous sulfur dioxide pollutants that are all man made.

Leonardo DiCarpio speaks in front of world leaders to address climate change.

Leonardo DiCarpio to World Leaders: "Which Side of History Will You Be On?"

Academy Award winner Leonardo DiCarpio gave an inspiring speech before world leaders at the United Nations on Friday during the signing of the Paris climate change agreement.

The UN Climate Change Conference will finalize a global deal to cut down carbon emissions by 2020.

Paris Climate Change Conference: Why Is It So Important For Our Planet

The UN Climate Change Conference starts this week in Paris where world leaders and 195 nations will strike a crucial climate deal to cut down carbon emissions by 2020.

Rapid increase of planktons in the oceans known as coccolithophores are caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide.

Rapid Plankton Growth in Oceans Caused By Increasing Carbon DIoxide Levels

New findings reveal how rapid population increase of plankton found in the Atlantic ocean is caused by increasing carbon dioxide levels in the water.


The Future of Urban Transport is a Tricycle.

An electric-powered tricycle could help reduce over-crowding and pollution in major population centers such as China, Europe and the U.S.


Rising Sea Levels Could Displace 20 Million Americans by 2100

A new study finds that if sea levels continue to rise unabated, "hundreds of coastal municipalities and land currently inhabited by tens of millions of persons hang in the balance.” The states most at risk are Florida, California, New York, and Louisiana.

Paris Summit Climate Change

Paris Summit on Climate Change May Lead Nowhere, Says Scientists

Scientists from all over the world on Monday noted that the Paris summit to tackle carbon pollution will lead nowhere if each country pushes their own agenda instead of cooperating with one another to reduce global carbon emissions.

Arctic Ice

Latest NASA Satellite Images Show Massive Ice Loss in Arctic Sea

Images of the Arctic Sea taken from space on September 11 by NASA satellites show massive ice loss. The ice deposits in that area helps to cool the earth's temperature by deflecting the sun's heat away from the planet.

El Nino

El Nino Could Make 2016 the Hottest Year, But Europe Prepares for Colder Weather

British meteorologists announced on Monday that global warming could make 2016 the hottest year recorded for many countries around the world - except in Europe. Experts believe that the El Nino weather phenomenon is responsible for the heat wave, although greenhouse gasses being released in the atmosphere are also to blamed.


China To Increase Wind Power, Solar Power Amid Move To Curb Carbon Emissions

Due to China’s commitment to stop the rising greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the world’s second-largest economy recently pledged to increase the share of non-fossil fuels as part of its primary energy consumption. The pledge came after the nation declared war against pollution.

A woman wears a mask as she walks along a street in front of a Chinese temple during a hazy day in Wuhan, Hubei province June 11, 2012.

Good News, China’s CO2 Emissions Fell Ridiculously Low In Just Four Months; How Did China Do It?

A new analysis via the Greenpeace Energy Desk says that China’s carbon emissions may have fallen 5% in the first four months of 2015. As compared to last year, the country’s coal use reportedly fell almost 8 percent compared to the same period last year, in fact the reduction in emissions is so huge that it is measured to be approximately equal to the total carbon dioxide emissions of the U.K. over the same period.

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