03/31/2025 05:15:21 pm

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Charlie Hebdo

Charlie Hebdo

Charlie Hebdo Publishes 'Screw the Terrorists' Champagne Cover

Charlie Hebdo magazine has published a satirical frontpage cartoon targeting the terrorists behind the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. The 'Screw the Terrorists' champagne cover comes less than a week after the attacks in the French capital city left over 100 people dead, Reuters reported.

Murder of American Blogger in Dhaka Seen As Bangladesh's Charlie Hebdo

An American blogger critical of religious extremism was hacked to death in Bangladesh.


French Minister Asks Internet Companies to Stop Terrorist Groups

The French government, however, wants special access to block content deemed offensive.

Copenhagen Terror Attack

Denmark on Edge After Two Terror Attacks Hit Copenhagen

Denmark has been hit by terror attacks. The incident has similarities to what happened in January at the office of satire newspaper Charlie Hebdo, in Paris, France.

Rally against Charlie Hebdo

Paris Gunman’s Widow Now in Syria with ISIS

Hayat Boumeddien, the common-law wife of one of the gunmen in the Charlie Hebdo massacre, was able to easily leave France before the incident and is now in Syria with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Hafiz Saeed

Charlie Hebdo Cover Angers Pakistani Militants, Draws Boycott of French Products

The latest cover of French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo - which breaks an Islam taboo of not showing Prophet Mohammed's image - is in the crosshairs of Pakistani Islamist militants, who called on their followers not to buy French goods.

Charlie Hebdo

French Government Reveals Slew of Cyber Attacks Following Charlie Hebdo Massaccre

After the wake of the attack on satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, the French government have just revealed a slew of cyber attacks centered on various French websites.


Eyewitness to Charlie Hebdo Carnage Lived to Tell Story but Resents Chinese Media for Distortion

He is a Chinese man who lives in Paris. And he saw the Charlie Hebdo killings with his own two eyes because he works there. But Wang Fanghui resents the way media practitioners from his own country portrayed him as a coward.

John Kerry & James Taylor

Awkward Moments at Kerry’s Tribute to Paris Terror Victims

His fluent but American-accented French failed to save U.S. State Secretary John Kerry from awkward moments when he paid tribute to the Paris terror victims on Friday.

Unclaimed and Unwanted Bodies

Fate of Three Paris Attackers' Bodies in Limbo

French authorities are still on the fence about the fate of the bodies of the three triggermen in the deadly Paris attacks - Saïd Kouachi, his brother Chérif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly.

Charlie Hebdo

Hollande Assures Muslims That France Respects Islam

French President Francois Hollande on Thursday gave a statement assuring Muslims that France respects both their community and their religion but said the country remains firm on its commitment to free speech.

Pope Francis in Manila

Pope Francis Condemns Killing For Religion, But Cautions Against Insulting Others' Faith

Pope Francis gave a fresh perspective of faith and recent terrorism incidents related to religion while aboard Sri Lanka Airlines on his way to a 5-day apostolic visit to the Philippines.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Discusses Social Networking In Censored Countries

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg participated in another town hall meeting, this time in Colombia.

Charlie Hebdo

New Charlie Hebdo Cover Depicts Mohammed Again with the Words "All is Forgiven"

French Satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is not deterred by the violence it has attracted with the cartoons it has been drawing. Unfazed, they drew a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad holding a "Je suis Charlie" sign.

Je Suis Charlie

China Writes Commentary Against Charlie Hebdo In Wake Of Paris Attacks

The series of terror attacks in Paris which left 12 cartoonists and four civilians dead ignited anti-extremist protests and drew support from all over the world but China reacted to the incident by making a commentary against the French satirical magazine.

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