03/31/2025 05:15:20 pm

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Diabetes Cure

People suffering from diabetes may eventually bid goodbye to those painful insulin injections.

Smart Insulin Patch: A Painless Way to Manage Diabetes

A group of researchers devised a new artificial painless patch filled with natural beta cells, which are insulin-producing cells found in the pancreas that can regulate blood sugar levels.

Google's Patent Submission

Google Plans to Add Blood Testing in Future Wearable Tech

In the ever-evolving world of wearable technology, Google has always set the pace in several advancements. This time, in a bid to help diabetic patients, Google wants to draw your blood using a small device paving the way to a more advanced disease tracking and diagnosis.

San Francisco Approves Ordinance For Health Warnings For Sugary Soda Ads

Order of Food Helps Type 2 Diabetics Maintain Blood Sugar Levels

A new study of Well Cornell College Nutritionist could be the next miracle to fight diabetes as it suggests that eating carbs after veggies and proteins could have health benefits to type 2 diabetic patients.


FDA Approves Jardiance for Type 2 Diabetes

Jardiance can be used alone or added to existing treatment regimens.

Diabetes World

Hypertension Drug Verapamil Touted as Diabetes Cure

Suppressing the TXNIP gene will help keep diabetes at bay.

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