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The Jovian moon, Ganymede

NASA Finds Vast Underground Ocean on Jupiter's Moon, Ganymede

Scientists estimate the ocean is 60 miles (100 kilometers) thick.

Shadow selfie

Rosetta Captures "Selfie" of its Shadow on Comet 67P

The low altitude made it possible to acquire a resolution of four inches for every pixel.

Supermassive black holes

NASA and ESA Calculate Winds from Supermassive Black Holes

If iron is in front of the black hole, it blocks the radiation from the black hole.

Ocean acidification

New Map Reveals How Acidic the Earth's Oceans Are

In an effort to stop climate change, ESA and NASA satellites are gathering data about the Earth's oceans and acidity levels.

Mysterious haze over Mars.

Mysterious Haze on Mars Leaves Scientists Baffled

Images from the Hubble space telescope show plumes of dark haze covering the Red Planet.


ESA's Robot Cargo Supply Ship Leaves ISS for the Last Time

All five robotic cargo vehicles brought 34 tons in total of scientific cargo and supplies to the space station.

ESA IXV mission

ESA on the Verge of Building its Own Space Shuttle

The unmanned Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV) was designed to gather information on how space objects fall to Earth.

The Cosmic Microwave Background

First Stars are 100 Million Years Younger than Previously Thought

The Big Bang occurred some 13.8 billion years and filled up the universe with matter.

Is Philae somewhere down here?

Philae Lander Found Above Comet?

Images suggest it can be located under a cliff or above a depression on the comet.

NGC 7714 and NGC 7715

Hubble Reveals Two Massive Galaxies Colliding

Both galaxies are so close they apparently merged some 100 to 200 million years ago.

Cosmic inflation

New Study Debunks 'Discovery' of Gravitational Waves

The conclusion is the result of a collaborative analysis by scientists.

Earth from space

See Amazing Time Lapse Video of Lightning Strikes from Space

The result is a final image that is in focus, ultra clear and sharp.


China, Europe Team Up for Robotic Space Mission

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have called for proposals for a robotic space mission that the two organizations will develop together and launch in 2021.

Rosetta Reveals Unexpected Activity from Comet 67P

The probe released its lander, Philae, on the comet last November.


World Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Huygens' Landing on Titan

Huygens survived on the hydrocarbon-rich surface for only one hour and 12 minutes.

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