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FCC Questions Netflix's Commitment To Net Neutrality

The FCC has not made its mind up on net neutrality, but is questioning Netflix's support for Title II reclassification is only for its own gains.


U.S. Wireless Spectrum Bids Surpass $30 Billion

The U.S. wireless spectrum sale has surpassed $30 billion overall, a far cry from the $10.1 billion analysts predicted before auctions began.


FCC Calls Out AT&T After Pausing Fiber Optic RolloutAT&T Puts Fiber Optic Rollout on Hold to Await FCC Net Neutrality Decision

The FCC has questioned AT&T on its delayed fiber optic rollout, after the company announced they would pause until a net neutrality decision has been made.


FCC Tom Wheeler Disagrees With President Obama's Plan For Net Neutrality

In a meeting with major Internet companies, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said his plan goes "in a different direction" to President Obama's on net neutrality.


Obama Wants FCC To Reclassify ISPs As Title II Common Carrier

Obama has sent out a letter to the FCC, calling on the agency to enact Title II common carrier on ISP, promoting net neutrality laws.


U.S. Pro-Net Neutrality Groups to Protest Leaked FCC Proposal

The FCC is looking to push their leaked "hybrid" net neutrality proposal, but U.S. public advocacy groups are pushing to protest the new laws on the Internet and the streets.


FCC Hybrid Plan Receives Harsh Criticism

The FCC hybrid plan for net neutrality has a little bit for everyone to like, but it isn't making any side happy.


FCC To Push For Reclassification Of Broadband Under Common Carriers

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler might be looking to reclassify broadband as a common carriers' service, meaning broadband providers will have to work together and cannot have behind-the-scenes deals.


Changes in FCC Rule Could Make Internet TV a Reality

A change of rules is being considered by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission.


FCC Defends Aereo, But It Might Not Save the Company

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has made adjustments to Aereo's impending demise, by claiming the Internet TV company should be given the same rights as cable-companies to gain network deals.

Tom Wheeler

FCC to Regulate Internet Video Like Satellite TV, Cable

The proposal will only affect multichannel video programming distributors providing pre-scheduled programs.


FCC Pauses Comcast-Time Warner Cable, AT&T-DirecTV Mergers

The Comcast-Time Warner Cable and AT&T-DirecTV mergers have both been paused, following an investigation from the FCC to see if Dish and other competitors should be able to see Comcast's contracts.


Google's New Ultrafast Wireless Internet Service could make Cable Obsolete

Google said it wants to launch its ultrafast Internet service to some 30 U.S. cities.

The Jetsons, Scooby Doo, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

No Saturday Cartoons On US Network TV For First Time In 50-Plus Years

Don't look now, but last weekend was the first in more than 50 years with no children's cartoons on Saturday network television in the U.S.

Washington Redskins team members in their last preseason game

The FCC is Considering the Petition to Ban the Moniker "Redskins"

The Federal Communications Commission, a government agency that independently regulates radio and television broadcasts, is considering banning the moniker "Redskins" and punishing broadcasters who say it.

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