03/27/2025 10:06:08 pm

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Great Britain

British Prime Minister Theresa May will Visit China.

British Prime Minister Theresa May Will Visit China Later This Year

British Prime Minister Theresa May will visit China later this year as Great Britain tries to cement its trade relationship with the Asian giant before officially divorcing the European Union in the coming months.

UK will be facing severe backlash if Brexit wins.

European Countries: Britain Will Suffer Consequences After Brexit

Great Britain is facing a stiff consequence if it leaves the Eurozone, European nations warned.

Jihadi John Possibly Dead From Drone Strike

Jihadi John Possibly Dead Following United States Drone Strike

Jihadi John, the feared Islamic State executioner, may be possibly dead following a drone strike in Syria initiated by the United States forces on Thursday, according to BBC News.

Beijing Bid for 2022 Winter Olympics

Winter Olympics Update: Beijing Likely Host of 2022 Winter Games Despite Receiving Lean Support

China has emerged as the front-runner to host the 2022 Winter Olympics following the withdrawal of erstwhile favorite Oslo because of the lack of support from the government. However, despite the likelihood of winning another bid to stage another major sporting event, Chinese people aren't much enthused about it and it was evident all over the place.

Cameron and Obama

How Scotland's Independence Makes The US Anxious

The United States' relationship with UK would essentially change with the possible spit of Great Britain, experts said. However, the White House kept its sentiments private despite the consequences it would face if Scotland voted "yes" on Thursday.

Voters wait for the polling station to open to cast their vote in Portobello near Edinburgh, Scotland, on Thursday.

Scotland Goes to the Polls: Voting Now Underway on Independence

Following two years of often intense campaigning, more than four million registered Scotland voters went to the polls Thursday with independence versus remaining in the United Kingdom at stake. Voting began at 7 a.m. and continued through 10 p.m. Full results were expected early Friday.

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