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Net Neutrality


German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pitches In On Net Neutrality Debate, Promotes Fast Lanes

Outside of the U.S. all has been quiet surrounding net neutrality, but now German Chancellor Angela Merkel has given her views on the situation.


FCC Questions Netflix's Commitment To Net Neutrality

The FCC has not made its mind up on net neutrality, but is questioning Netflix's support for Title II reclassification is only for its own gains.


FCC Calls Out AT&T After Pausing Fiber Optic RolloutAT&T Puts Fiber Optic Rollout on Hold to Await FCC Net Neutrality Decision

The FCC has questioned AT&T on its delayed fiber optic rollout, after the company announced they would pause until a net neutrality decision has been made.


FCC Tom Wheeler Disagrees With President Obama's Plan For Net Neutrality

In a meeting with major Internet companies, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said his plan goes "in a different direction" to President Obama's on net neutrality.


Net Neutrality: Pres. Obama Wants Equal Internet Access For All

President Barack Obama on Monday called for increased regulation of Internet service providers similar to those of phone companies, a move intended to block the monopolization of broadband and ensure so-called net neutrality.ternet Access for all


Obama Wants FCC To Reclassify ISPs As Title II Common Carrier

Obama has sent out a letter to the FCC, calling on the agency to enact Title II common carrier on ISP, promoting net neutrality laws.


U.S. Pro-Net Neutrality Groups to Protest Leaked FCC Proposal

The FCC is looking to push their leaked "hybrid" net neutrality proposal, but U.S. public advocacy groups are pushing to protest the new laws on the Internet and the streets.


FCC Hybrid Plan Receives Harsh Criticism

The FCC hybrid plan for net neutrality has a little bit for everyone to like, but it isn't making any side happy.


FCC To Push For Reclassification Of Broadband Under Common Carriers

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler might be looking to reclassify broadband as a common carriers' service, meaning broadband providers will have to work together and cannot have behind-the-scenes deals.


Verizon Denies Censoring Stories on New Website

SugarString is prohibiting its writers from writing about internet neutrality and spying.

Top Porn Websites to Join ‘Internet Slowdown’ Campaign for Net Neutrality

he three famous porn sites are hopeful they can educate upwards of 50 million people regarding the need for net neutrality.

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) (R) and Senator Chuck Grassley

U.S. Senator Tells FCC Net Neutrality Roundtables Be Done Outside Washington

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was called on Wednesday by United States Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy to conduct hearings regarding the “net neutrality” policy being proposed outside the U.S. capital.

Network Service Provider Verizon Wireless

Verizon Defends Slowing of Unlimited Data Plans

Claims its in the best interest of all parties involved.

FCC Net Neutrality

FCC Proposed New Net Neutrality Rules, Opposition Says It's a Threat To An Open Internet

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has advanced on Thursday a new "net neutrality" proposal that prohibits Internet service providers (ISPs) from preventing user access to websites, but may allow them to charge companies and individual users for faster Internet traffic.

FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler

FCC Proposal Sparks Concern Over Net Neutrality, Groups Call to Save Internet

Tom Wheeler, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), has taken shots from top Internet companies and venture capitalists over a controversial plan of giving giant networks and providers to charge companies for faster content delivery.

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