03/31/2025 12:44:32 pm

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China Again Claims it isn’t Militarizing South China Sea; Again Says it Owns Senkakus

China said the Senkakus and its adjacent islets have been part of China since ancient times.

Duterte not Keen on Protesting China's Militarization of the South China Sea

Duterte not Keen on Protesting Against China's Militarization of the South China Sea

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday said that Manila would not protest against China's militarization of the disputed South China Sea despite the latter's reported installation of weapons systems on the artificial islands it has built in the disputed strategic waterway.


Indonesian Air Force Targets China with its Largest Aerial Exercise

We have a good enough air force to act as a deterrent."


China Building More Radar Stations on the Spratly Islands

China is building satellite uplink equipment to its Beidou-GPS system on many of the features.

Happy days are here again

Navies of China and Russia to Hold Joint Naval Exercise in South China Sea

The naval drill will be held in September.

Philippines' President Duterte to Push for Resource-Sharing in Negotiations With China on South China Sea Dispute

Philippines' President Duterte to Push for Resource-Sharing in Negotiations With China on South China Sea Dispute

The Philippines' President Rodrigo Duterte is poised to hold bilateral talks with China to peacefully settle the South China Sea dispute and might push for resource-sharing arrangements instead of triggering a confrontation with the military superpower.

Beijing Won't Stop  Ongoing Constructions on Philippine-Claimed Spratly Islands Despite Tribunal Ruling

Beijing Won't Stop Ongoing Constructions on Philippine-Claimed Spratly Islands Despite Tribunal Ruling

A week after the Hague-based arbitral court ruled that China has no legal basis for its claims in the South China Sea, a high-ranking Chinese military official said on Tuesday that Beijing's ongoing constructions of facilities on islands and reefs in the Philippine-claimed Nansha Islands (Spratly Islands) would not be halted.

War zone

China Threatens Philippines with War

Wang wanted the Philippines "to open ourselves for bilateral negotiations but outside of and in disregard of the arbitral ruling."

Beijing Open to Negotiations with Manila on South China Sea Sans Hague Court Ruling

Beijing Open to Negotiations With Manila on South China Sea Dispute Sans Hague Court Ruling

China continues to stand its ground in rejecting the ruling of the Hague-based arbitral court on the South China Sea dispute. Beijing warned other countries on Wednesday against threatening its interests and territories in the region.

The only option left?

China Seeks Peaceful Options to Save Face after Defeat to the Philippines in South China Sea Arbitration

"The Tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the 'nine-dash line'."

China Loses Claims to South China Sea;  Hague Court Ruling Junks 'Nine-Dash Line'

China Loses Claims to South China Sea; Hague Court Ruling Junks 'Nine-Dash Line'

After three years of hearing the territorial case filed by the Philippines against China about the ownership of contested territories in the resource-rich South China Sea, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague made a ruling on Tuesday saying that there is no legal basis to Beijing's claim that it has 'historic rights' to the islands, reefs, and other features in the disputed international waterway.

China Says Arbitration Court Ruling on South China Sea 'Illegal'

China Says Any Arbitration Court Ruling on South China Sea Case Would be 'Illegal'

China continues to defend its maritime claims in the South China Sea. Now, Beijing says that regardless of its decision, the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration on the territorial case filed by the Philippines against China will be 'illegal.'

Indonesia’s Minister For Fisheries and Maritime Affairs said on Monday that she will summon China’s ambassador over the issue of Chinese trawler that lead to arrest of 8 Chinese crew.

Indonesia Calls Chinese Ambassador Over Illegal Fishing in Disputed Waters

Indonesia will summon China's ambassador to the country over diplomatic standoff involving eight Chinese fishermen that were arrested on disputed waters last week.

Standing Guard

US Navy: Full-blown Arms Race Looms in South China Sea

The commander of the US Pacific Fleet warned on Wednesday that a full-blown arms race looms over the South China Sea as tensions in the region have pushed countries to re-arm, muster their troops, and pour billions of dollars into additional weapons and warships.

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