03/04/2025 06:09:50 am

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North Korea

North Korea ICBM Threat.

China Expresses Serious ‘Concern’ on North Korea’s ICBM Threat

China on Monday expressed serious concern over North Korea's repeated threat to launch ICMB or intercontinental ballistic missile. The concern from Beijing comes swiftly after U.S took critical note of Pyongyang's latest missile threat last week.

US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter

US 'will Shoot Down' North Korean Missiles: US Defense Secretary Ash Carter

On Sunday, the North Korean government declared that it has the capabilities to test-launch an intercontinental ballistic missile at any time and from any location decided by its leader Kim Jong Un.

South Korean soldier

South Korea to Form Special Unit to Eliminate Kim Jong Un, Top North Korean Officials

South Korea is prioritizing a plan to form a specialist unit that will be tasked to get rid of top officials in the North Korean government in case war erupts between the two countries.

Trump Lashes Out at China for not Doing Enough to Control North Korea

Trump Lashes out at China for not Doing Enough to Control North Korea

US President-elect Donald Trump has lashed out at China for not exerting enough effort to rein in North Korea while taking advantage of trade with the US.

A South Korean hacking student

North Korean Hackers Could Disable US Pacific Command: Report

A North Korea-initiated full scale cyber attack could potentially paralyze the US Pacific Command control centre (US PACOM), according to a report issued by the South Korean Defence Agency for Technology and Quality (DATQ).

Kim Jon Un

Kim Jon Un has Executed Hundreds of People Since He Took Power: South Korean Think Tank

A new report by a South Korean think tank claimed that North Korean Dictator Kim Jon Un has ordered the execution of at least 340 people since he took power in 2011.

Beijing Orders Business Companies to Follow UN Sanctions on North Korea

Beijing Orders all Companies to Follow UN Sanctions on North Korea

Denying the US' accusations that it was not properly enforcing the latest UN-backed sanctions on North Korea, Beijing on Saturday said it has instructed all companies, especially those involved in the coal business, to follow the UN Security Council resolution in dealing with Pyongyang.

Donald Trump

US not Necessarily Bound to 'One China' Policy: Donald Trump

US President-elect Donald Trump has voiced his reluctance to extend Washington's support for the "One China" policy unless Beijing is willing to make concessions on trade and other issues.

China Suspends North Korean Coal Import.

China Suspends Importation of Coal From North Korea for 3 Weeks

China on Saturday imposed a three-week suspension on coal imports from North Korea, in accordance with the latest United Nations (UN) sanctions against the isolated communist state.

China Fails to Stop UN Meeting on North Korea Human Rights Abuses

China Fails to Stop UN Meeting on North Korea's Human Rights Abuses

Despite its vehement opposition, China has failed to stop the United Nations (UN) Security Council from discussing North Korea's unrestrained human rights violations during its third meeting on the issue on Friday.

Donald Trump, China

Trump Seeks to Improve Ties With Beijing Despite Anti-China Rhetoric

Amid his ongoing anti-China rhetoric, US President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday called for an improvement in Sino-US relations saying it was one of the most important relationships that the United States needs to cultivate with the world's second largest economy.

North Korea Denounces New UN Sanctions, Vows to Retaliate

North Korea Denounces New UN Sanctions, Vows to Retaliate

An infuriated North Korea has denounced the new United Nations sanctions imposed on the isolated state saying the punishment was an "abuse of power" and violated its "right to self-defense."

UN Sanctions Slash North Korea's Coal Exports to China by $700 Million

UN Sanction to Slash North Korea's Coal Exports to China by $700 Million

High-ranking US diplomats on Monday said new and tougher sanctions against North Korea are being prepared in a resolution that would be put to a vote by the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday.

Xi Jinping

China Criticizes Japan South Korea Military Intelligence Agreement, Says it Will ‘Only Worsen’ Confrontation on Korean Peninsula

China has lashed out at a recent military intelligence agreement signed between Japan and South Korea.

Xi Jinping

China Confirms Support to Tougher UNSC Sanctions Against North Korea

China has finally confirmed its support to new United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions against North Korea over its most recent nuclear test.

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