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solar system

Raising questions

Discovery of First Binary-Binary Questions Accepted Theory of Solar System Formation

For such large companion objects to be stable so close together defies our current popular theories on how solar systems form.

Really big and fsst

Fantastic ‘Solar Express’ will Take People to the Moon in Just Two Hours

Once perfected, Solar Express should be capable of tearing through space at one percent the speed of light.

Death dance

Planet Nine Could Destroy the Solar System in Seven Billion Years

In effect, the future death of our sun could explain the evolution of other planetary systems.

ESA's Venus Express has detected a surprisingly strong electric field at Venus. While protons and other ions (shown in blue in the inset) feel a pull due to the planet's gravity, electrons (shown in red in the inset) are much lighter and thus able to esca

Monster Electric Winds Stripped Water Away from Venus

New findings reveal how an powerful electric field apparently covers Venus, generating strong electric winds similar to solar winds and stripping away any water in its atmosphere.

Montage taken from NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft of Saturn and its moons.

Watch the Skies for Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and Their Moons This June

This month, the solar system will parade its planets in our skies as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and their moons will be visible this June.

This composite image made from nine frames shows the International Space Station, with a crew of six onboard, as it transits the moon at roughly five miles per second, Sunday, Aug. 2, 2015, Woodford, VA.

Asteroids Not Comets Brought Water to the Moon 4.5 Billion Years Ago

A new analysis of lunar rocks reveal how water on the moon was delivered by asteroids and not comets, revealing more clues about the formation of the solar system.

Illustration of the dust ring surrounding HD 181327

Scientists Detect Frozen Comets Surrounding Young Sun-like Star

Icy comets were detected to surround a young star similar to our sun, indicating that this new star system could hold clues about the formation of our solar system.

True color image of Jupiter’s moon Io made by the Galileo spacecraft. Io has no identified impact craters because massive volcanic eruptions continually resurface it.

Jupiter Moon Io Squeezes Out Mountains to Release Magma

New findings reveal how Jupiter's pockmarked moon Io creates giant mountains to release magma flow underneaths its crust.

Pluto Map

Pluto’s Frozen Landscape’s Stunning Map: The Most Complete till Date!

On May 2, a new composite map of Pluto was produced. The map showed most detailed and sharpest view of the dwarf planet. It showed chunks of water ice with sharp and angled corners that float amidst solid nitrogen.

Two direct images of the cometary dust and exoplanet surrounding the young star HD 106906.  The wider field in blue shows Hubble Space Telescope data where the star’s blinding light is artificially eclipsed (gray circular mask).

This Planet Got Exiled From Its Solar System 16 Times Farther Than Pluto

Scientists detected an exoplanet that is exiled into the edges of its solar system, 16 times farther than the distance of Pluto from our sun.

In 40 million years, Mars will form a thin ring, courtesy of its self-destructing moon, Phobos.

Mars Will Form a Ring Like Saturn Courtesy of Self-Destructing Martian Moon Phobos

New findings reveal that Mars will acquire a new ring like Saturn's from the debris of its moon Phobos, as the moon is slowly breaking up by gravitational forces.

Image of a glowing debris ring due to asteroid ripped apart

Image of Asteroid Ripped Apart by Star Looks Like Saturn's Rings

Astronomers have finally captured an image of a glowing debris ring and shed some light on how an asteroid was ripped apart to form the ring.

A 3-D animation that is created to show the scale of the bodies of the solar system.

Some Things That People Do Not Know About The Solar System

Some of the facts of our solar system have been revealed, which are not learned from school or books.

earth-like planet

NASA Discovers More Earth-like Planets Outside Our Solar System

NASA again made a discovery of another earth-like planet that could possibly be habitable. This new "cousin" of Earth is outside our solar system.

First Pluto image

After Nine Years, New Horizons Takes First Photos of Pluto

Astronomers said it represents a big step forward in getting man's clearest-ever view of the distant dwarf planet.

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