03/06/2025 09:58:01 pm

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Jolla’s Sailfish OS Gets Russian Certification

Jolla Sailfish OS

(Photo : YouTube) Russia officially granted a domestic certification for Jolla's Sailfish OS.

Jolla, the Finland-based company behind Sailfish OS, recently announced that its mobile operating system has received domestic certification in Russia. The certification essentially allows Sailfish OS to be installed on government and corporate devices.

The mobile platform is dominated by two operating systems, Android and iOS. Jolla's Sailfish OS is one of the few remaining alternative operating systems out there and it is a welcome news for the firm to receive a Russian certification.

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The Russian government has announced its plan to significantly reduce its dependence on mobile operating systems built and maintained outside the country. In 2015, 95 percent of the Russian mobile market runs on Android and iOS. Russian plans to reduce that by up to 50 percent in 2025.

Earlier this year, a new Russian company named Open Mobile Platform (OMP) has acquired licensing agreement to develop a custom version of the Sailfish OS.

In a statement acquired by Tech Crunch, OMP chief executive officer Pavel Eyges said, "We believe that open source based and independent Sailfish OS is the mobile OS platform of the future. It has great potential in Russia and elsewhere."

Unlike other alternative mobile operating systems, Sailfish OS is compatible with some Android apps. This makes it easy for Sailfish OS users to integrate common apps into a device that runs on the operating system.

According to Digital Trends, despite its recent brush with the Russian government, Jolla said that it plans to keep Sailfish OS independent and open. The company added that the collaboration project with Russia is a pilot program that will serve as a framework for its future plans of extending its support to other interested countries.

Jolla said that the company is currently in talks with China and South Africa.

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