03/04/2025 09:02:46 am

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First Live Look At Uncharted 4: A Thief's End For PS4 Released

Sony kicked off the annual PlayStation Experience event with Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and nothing else rivalled the upcoming Naughty Dog title.

It is unusual for a conference to kickstart with the largest announcement. Even though Uncharted 4 had already been revealed, Sony previewed the first gameplay trailer on the live event.

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The full video shows 15 minutes of gameplay and explores the vast world of Uncharted 4, set to be Naughty Dog's biggest splash in the franchise.

Naughty Dog has stepped it up on the visuals, offering a vibrant; if a bit overused jungle environment. The studio has taken a few queues from The Last of Us, using the same sort of combat system and talk functions at certain points in the map.

In the preview, it is unclear how much of the opening sequences are automatic and how many are manual. Naughty Dog likes to keep a minimalistic HUD, making it hard to see which parts are interactive.

However, it appears there are multiple routes through Uncharted 4, even if all of them reach the same destination. The Uncharted series has never been an open world experience, but Naughty Dog is certainly looking for more options.

Overall, it looks like another interesting and rather serious Naughty Dog game, coming off the success of The Last of Us and the DLC. Some fans of Naughty Dog are hoping to see a return to less serious side of gaming, but the overwhelming majority like the new tone to games.

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