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GTA 5 Online: Save Millions of GTA Money Through Mystery Vehicle and DLC Item Discounts


The bonuses and disounts are time-specific and players are encouraged to take advantage of these deals before they disappear.

Rockstar Games has unofficially rolled out several discounts on some DLC vehicles in Grand Theft Auto Online. Players can avail the offer through the Docktease website.

YouTube user MrBossFTW also known as Ross said in his most recent video that players can find several great deals on Lampdati Toro, Dinghy, Kraken, 4-seater speeder boat and other vehicles in GTA Online. The sea vehicles are priced as follows: Kraken costs GTA $993,750, Lampadati Toro is priced at GTA $1,312,500, Four-seater Speeder boat costs GTA $243,750, Dinghy is priced at GTA $93,750, Jetmax costs GTA $224,250, Marquis is priced at GTA $310,492, Suntrap costs GTA $18,870, Squalo is priced at GTA $147,465, Seashark costs GTA $12,674 and Tropic is priced at GTA $16,500.

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Players can enjoy discount on some vehicles on the Warstock Cash and Carry website as well. The insurgent costs GTA$675,000 right now. It had the same selling price for some time now so it is a bit unclear why it shows as discounted with a line across the GTA$ 1.35 million price which is supposedly the vehicle's original price. Meanwhile, the pick-up insurgent now costs only GTA $1 million as opposed to GTA $1.35 million as its original price. Reports say Rockstar Games may have interchanged the prices accidentally while re-coding for these GTA Online insurgent vehicles.

MrBossFTW also said that all Adversary Modes now fetch double GTA $ bonuses and RP.. Players can capitalize on these if they want some quick cash or want to quickly level up to unlock all weapons and upgrades in GTA Online. The bonuses and disounts are time-specific and players are encouraged to take advantage of these deals before they disappear.

In other news, the first Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer was reportedly fake but among other speculations, it sparked rumors that real life couple Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling will be voice leads of the GTA 6. However, Rockstar Games or the actors have not issued any official announcement about it yet.

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