02/23/2025 06:07:24 am

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Adelyn Torralba


China Tech: World Embraces China’s Phone Giant Xiaomi

When Xiaomi Corp launched a smartphone in New Delhi this year, there is no mistaking about its ability to conquer, not only Asia, but the whole world.


Baidu Translate: Why You Should Reluctantly Believe It

What do you expect when you are looking for a good translator site on the internet? Recently, the website “Baidu Translate” is embroiled in a high profile concern when it revealed several sensitive translations of words that may seem meaningless and simple.

Mind Control

China Tech: A New Discovery Allows The Human Mind To Control Cockroaches

In an attempt to rediscover what else the human brain can control, a student in China who came from Shanghai Jiaotong University implanted microelectrodes in a cockroach’s antennae in the hopes of kindling a reaction from the insect that is being controlled by the mind.

Man with Skull Cap

Security Authentication Steps Up To The Next Level Using Brain Waves

In recent years, security passcodes have only been in the form of combined letters and alpha numeric, in order to keep personal information and other important accounts secured online.


Online Shoppers Get Support From China’s Move To Protect Their Rights

China has been serious about protecting the rights of their online consumers by launching a new law that aims to prioritize their welfare through product quality assurance and legitimacy of an establishment.

Chinese Coastguard Ship

Chinese Prime Minister Alarmed Over U.S’ Partnership With Australia To Stop Their SCS Ambitions

The Chinese government has been very aggressive in making their mark in the South China Sea that the U.S. military division is planning on stationing some of their B-1 strategic bombers, as well as surveillance aircraft in Australia, to make sure the goals of China will not materialize.

US Military Drone

Jordan Turns To China In Hopes Of Obtaining Missile – Firing Drones

In light of U.S. President Barrack Obama’s refusal to give support to China’s allies, the Asian country has offered Jordan missile-firing drones to help fight the ISIS army.


Sprint, Verizon To Pay $158M Over Pony Charges; $120M To Be Used In Paying Back Subscribers

Sprint Corp. and Verizon Communications Inc. are now facing a humungous amount of bill as The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Attorney General of 50 States plus the District of Columbia orders both telecommunication company to pay US$68 million and US$90 million, respectively.

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