03/31/2025 05:22:55 pm

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Sarah Mae Tejares

San Francisco Approves Ordinance For Health Warnings For Sugary Soda Ads

Order of Food Helps Type 2 Diabetics Maintain Blood Sugar Levels

A new study of Well Cornell College Nutritionist could be the next miracle to fight diabetes as it suggests that eating carbs after veggies and proteins could have health benefits to type 2 diabetic patients.

Qingdao Starts Anti-MERS Drill

Thailand MERS: 175 Thais Exposed To Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

As South Korea has been reportedly no case of new Middle East Respiratory Syndrome patient, Thailand health ministry confirmed there are 175 people were exposed to MERS. The people who were reportedly exposed to MERS have been instructed to stay away from public.

WHO Announces MERS In South Korea Not Global Emergency

South Korea MERS Outbreak: 2 Deaths, Thailand No New Case Of The Deadly Disease

As South Korea fighting to beat the Middle East respiratory syndrome or known as MERS, another 2 deaths have been reported. Meanwhile, their neighboring country Thailand confirmed no new case report since a man from Oman has been discovered positive in MERS.

A nurse sanitizers her hands to prevent contracting Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

Thailand MERS Case, Health Public Minister Confirms

Thailand public minister Rajata Rajatanavin confirmed the first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or known as MERS, in the country on Thursday. The confirmation came after when a man had been confirmed positive in MERS.

Combination picture shows people wearing masks between June 9 and June 16, 2015

North Korea Claimed They Found Cure For MERS

As South Korea still facing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or known as MERS, their neighbor North Korea is now claiming they found a cure for the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) said there's no known cure or vaccine for MERS. However, the state-run media in Pyongyang reports a drug called Kumdang is a cure of the illness.

A camel is pictured near the wreckage of a car in the old quarter of Sanaa, Yemen

WHO Urges People Not To Drink Camel Urine To Avoid MERS

World Health Organization (WHO) urges people in some parts of Middle East to avoid drinking camel urine as it may cause Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS). As a matter of fact, drinking a camel's wee is common in some parts of Middle East as some people believed it could relieve pain and a remedy to any sickness.

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