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Stop Hacking

British Companies, In Danger of Being Spied By Russia and China

Accusations of James Clapper, U.S. spy chief, that the Chinese government was indeed behind the hacking only intensified the issue of large scale cyber hacking in government agencies.


Cyber Attack News: The Chase Strengthens On Hacking Groups That Targets The Western Channel

The Office of the Personnel Management in the United States has been recently the target of cyber attacks, and authorities have named some of the possible suspects in the cyber war that escalated after the illegal monitoring have been traced.


China Hacks U.S.: Reports Show U.S. Government Data From 1985 Hacked By Chinese Officials

In a shocking report that is blaming Chinese hackers for snooping into official records of the American government since 1985, leak was exposed by Obama administration on Thursday.

United Airlines

U.S. Airline to Award Hackers for Finding Hidden Bugs

In an effort to uncover security flaws, United Airlines is offering computer experts with the chance to fly for free.

Julian Assange, August 2014

Wikileaks Republishes Sony Hacking Files

Yesterday, 16 April 2015, WikiLeaks made an announcement that it had made The Sony Archives (30,287 documents from Sony Pictures Entertainment and 173,132 emails, to and from more than 2,200 SPE email addresses) easily accessible to the public.


Chinese Military Now Openly Admits to Cyber Attacks and Hacking Capabilities

The Chinese military has admitted that it has been sponsoring some offensive cyberattacks or hacking. The truth surfaced when a military document was updated and circulated.


Lizard Squad Takes Down Lenovo Website

This isn't typical Lizard Squad work and might mean the hacking group is branching out.


Sony Chairman Amy Pascal Leaves Company Following Hacking Scandal

Sony Pictures Entertainment Amy Pascal is leaving the company, following various private comments leaked to the press.

Lizard Squad to Release Taylor Swift's Nude Photos for Bitcoin

"Cause the hackers gonna hack, hack, hack, hack... Never a dull moment," Swift said via Twitter after regaining her account.

Malaysia Airlines Hacked by 'Cyber Caliphate' group

Malaysia Airlines’ website has been hacked by a group calling itself “Cyber Caliphate”.


FBI Looking to Legalize VPN and Tor Network Hacks

The FBI is fighting for a change on federal law, which would allow the bureau to investigate random U.S. citizens without any warrant or knowledge of the subject.

Journalist Jailed for Five Years for Linking Stolen Data

Freelance journalist Barret Brown was sentenced to five years in prison for his involvement in the hacking of a private intelligence firm.

The Interview

Using Occam's Razor to Solve 'Mystery' of Who Hacked Sony

By applying Occam's razor to the various theories about the source of the Sony hack, the simplest explanation is: North Korea did it. All other theories - as fun as they are to toy with - simply fall by the wayside.


Hacker's List Provides Hacker-For-Hire Service

Want to find some digital material but don't have the knowledge? Hacker's List has you covered.


Lizard Squad Stresser Hits 4Chan, Knocks Servers Offline

Lizard Squad's $6 stresser reportedly took down 4Chan servers, keeping them offline for over a day.

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