03/06/2025 09:51:41 pm

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Milky Way

Missing Milky Way stuff

Scientists Discover Where the Milky Way’s Missing Mass Went

The question is where the rest of ordinary matter made of neutrons, protons and electrons went to.

The immense halo of gas enveloping the Andromeda galaxy, our nearest massive galactic neighbor, is about six times larger and 1,000 times more massive than previously measured.

Galaxies 'Waste' Heavy Elements That can Potentially Form Planets

New data reveals how galaxies are "wasting" heavy elements such as oxygen, carbon and iron by ejecting them into deep space to form halos.

Color image of the cluster taken with Hubble Space Telescope (images in three different filters were combined to make an RGB image). In the inset we show three spectra of the multiply imaged systems. They have peaks at the same wavelength, hence showing t

This is the Faintest and Most Distant Galaxy Ever Detected

Astronomers have detected the faintest galaxy ever at 13 billion light years away from Earth.

Chandra Captures Image Of Black Hole At The Center Of Our Galaxy

Young Driver Says He's an Alien who will Destroy Earth if Police Tow His Car

A young driver in Zhejiang province tried to avoid getting his car towed by police by saying he belongs to royalty outside the planet, and if his car gets towed, he’ll be forced to destroy planet earth.

The dark disc theory and dark matters

From Dinosaurs' Extinction to Human Life Form: Harvard Physicist Proposes a Profound Theory About Why Humans Exist

A physicist from Harvard University Lisa Randall proposed a profound theory how dinosaurs' extinction led to human life forms in her latest book Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs.

India's first observatory satellite

India Launched Its First-Ever Space Observatory Satellite

At 10:00 a.m., Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C30) successfully launched India's multi-wavelength space observatory Astrosat, along with six foreign customer satellites into orbit.

The Andromeda Galaxy

Astronomers Discover Andromeda's Massive Gas Halo, Which Extends Near the Earth

Astronomers discover a massive gas halo around Andromeda and is noted to extend near the Earth.

This Hubble image features dark knots of gas and dust known as

Water is Already Abundant in the Universe After the Big Bang

A new study shows that water was already present in the universe shortly after the Big Bang, just one billion years after.


Two Telescopes Cooperate to Detect the Most Distant Planets

The discovery showcases how Spitzer can be used in solving the puzzle of how planets are distributed throughout our flat, spiral-shaped Milky Way galaxy.


MIlky Way Supernova Confirms Interstellar Dust Theory

The principal theory explains that the dust appears from supernovae as stars reach the end of their lives.

Giant star cluster

One Million Stars are Forming in Nearby Dwarf Galaxy at a Rapid Rate

The giant star cluster is estimated to be three million years old, which is young astronomically speaking.

The Jovian moon, Ganymede

NASA Finds Vast Underground Ocean on Jupiter's Moon, Ganymede

Scientists estimate the ocean is 60 miles (100 kilometers) thick.

US 708

Milky Way's Fastest Star is Leaving it at 26 Million mph

The fast traveling star was probably launched by a Type Ia supernova,

Trifid nebula

ESO Telescope Discovers Variable Stars in Trifid Nebula

The stars lie around 37,000 light years from Earth.

Kepler Telescope

Eight More Exoplanets Discovered

The scientists named two of the planets Kepler-438b and Kepler-442b, and these two are the most similar toEearth of all the eight new exoplanets.

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