03/08/2025 09:42:04 pm

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The orange perimeter in the photo shows the India-Pakistan border, snapped shot by an astronaut on board the ISS.

ISS: India-Pakistan Border Looks Fabulous At Night From Space

An ISS Expedition 45 crew member clicked a photo of the India-Pakistan border from space.

The Martian Mountain, Mount Sharp, is shown by MRO when it reached the peak in December 2014.

MRO Sent Postcard Of Mars; Mount Sharp

The Mars Curiosity Rover sent a postcard of the mineral-rich, mountainus landscape of Mount Sharp when it reached there on Sept. 9.

NASA Confirms Water On The Red Planet

NASA Confirms Water On The Red Planet

NASA scientists confirmed the presence of flowing water in Mars.

NASA's new findings about Mars

Has NASA found water on Mars? US Space Agency to make major announcement

NASA will reveal and detail a major finding from their ongoing explorations of Mars on a news briefing to be held at the NASA' headquarter, specifically, the James Webb Auditorium.

Alaska Airlines

Two US Airline Companies Utilize NASA Tech TAP To Cut Fuel Consumption And Travel Time

NASA's Traffic Aware Planner will be adopted by Alaska Airlines and Virgin America to enable them to create “traffic aware strategic aircrew request”.

The surface of Mars

NASA Relies On Students’ Ideas For Bringing Cargo On Mars?

NASA addresses the challenge of how to be able to transport tons of objects on the Red Planet by asking bright ideas from college and university students.

An artifact that is found by Mars Curiosity Rover and is believed to be a capstone of a larger pyramid.

Martian Civilization Proves To Be True?

According to Extraterrestrial hunters and Dr. John Bradenburg, alien race on the planet Mars has been present before it was wiped out by a nuclear attack by another alien race, and evidence can be seen even until today.

NASA New Horizons Pluto

NASA Spacecraft Takes Latest Pictures of Pluto's Atmosphere and Terrain

NASA has released photographs taken by one of its spacecrafts as it flew by Pluto on July 14. The pictures released on Thursday has provided scientists with details about the unique environment in Pluto.


NASA Comes With Its Own 4K Ultra-High Definition TV

NASA teams up with the video delivery firm Harmonics to start a 4K UHD TV channel.

UFOs and Aliens

UFO, Alien News: Government Hiding Extraterrestrial Evidence, UFO Expert Revealed!

Another UFO expert revealed that the existence of the said UFOs is soon getting unravelled. Chase Kloetzke, the leading UFO researcher said that science had opened up to conspiracy theorist to further study alien's physical traces.


Alien, UFO News: NASA Live Video Feed Reveals UFO Watching Over The ISS! [VIDEO]

NASA's live video feed spotted another UFO hovering around the International Space Station. The said UFO was orbiting only miles in diameter and about 250 miles over Earth's surface.


Alien and UFO News: Bold Proofs They Exist; NASA Guides On How To identify Alien’s Existence!

Conspiracy theorists always long to find proof of aliens and UFO. There are lots of aliens and UFO evidence videos that comes along almost every day and continues to make humans long for something more.

2015 Asteroid

Apocalypse News: NASA Denies Asteroid Hitting Earth In September

There were rumors that an asteroid would hit and end Earth sometime between Sept. 15 and 28, 2015 near Puerto Rico. But NASA denies such allegations on the recent NASA press release.


Telescopes for Distant Matter and Antimatter Galaxies

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which is capable of looking back 13.5 billion years to see the light created by stars from the Early Universe, is undeniably one of the most popular space exploration “ideas” in the world today. It has generated so much interest among scientists and ordinary space enthusiasts alike to a point that independent groups are willing to do everything to make a version of it in their own way.

UFOs and Aliens

Aliens and UFO News: UFOs Seen In Mexico, Nevada and Russia; Why Are They Showing Up? [VIDEOS]

Recent footage of an Unidentified Flying Object was seen in Henderson, Nevada. The raw recorded video is more than seven minutes and cannot be disputed according to the prominent UFO researcher Scott C Waring.

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