03/06/2025 09:43:31 pm

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Ted Cruz

US Texas Senator Ted Cruz Meets Taiwan President

US Texas Senator Ted Cruz Meets Taiwan President, Lambasts China

US Texas senator Ted Cruz along with Governor Greg Abbott met with Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen on Sunday during her transit stopover in Houston. However, there was no meeting between Trump and Tsai during the transit stopover.

Trump China

Trump Nomination Imminent, China Warns US Voters

The news that Donald Trump is now the presumptive GOP nominee for the coming US presidential election drew words of caution from China yesterday.


Quinnipiac Poll: Trump Tied With GOP Field in Florida

According to the most recent Quinnipiac University Poll, real estate mogul Donald Trump takes a commanding 24% lead over senator Marco Rubio, heading into today's Florida republican primary. However, were the rest of the GOP field consolidated into one candidate, the race would be tied.

The U.S. Congress just approved a space mining bill that will allow asteroid mining.

Asteroid Mining Bill Approved by U.S. Congress

The United States Congress apparently passed its newest bill called the SPACE Act of 2015, allowing space mining companies to acquire resources from asteroids.

Senator Ted Cruz, New Chairman for Science Subcommittee

Ted Cruz Needs An Early Start Because Presidential Wannabe Is Relatively Unknown

Ahead of his formal announcement at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz has made it publicly known that he wants to be the party's official candidate for president in 2016.

Climnate change denier-in-chief Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz To Announce On Monday He Will Run For President

Texas Senator Ted Cruz hopes to catch votes early enough, so he will officially announce on Monday at the Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, his intent to run for president as the official candidate of the Republican Party.

Sen. Ted Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz Pushes To Arm Ukraine Despite European Leaders' Ceasefire Plea

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz said they should stay true to their treaty obligation to supply Ukraine with arms to hinder the pro-Russian separatists despite the European leaders' continuous plea for a ceasefire deal between Ukraine and Russia.

Senator Ted Cruz, New Chairman for Science Subcommittee

Ted Cruz Wants to NASA ro Focus on Space Exploration

Senator Ted Cruz has a new role in the Republican-controlled Senate. He is now the chairman of the subcommittee that oversees the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and science matters.

Scott Louis Panetti

Scott Panetti Death Sentence Is In 'Trusted' Hands Of Criminal Justice System -Sen. Ted Cruz

Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has not commented on the death sentence over a severely mentally ill man in the state and chose not to be in the mix of those asking for the death sentence to be converted to the man spending life in prison.

Ted Cruz

Perry, Cruz Hint At 2016 Presidential Bid

Texas politicians Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Rick Perry hint at possible 2016 presidential bids, but offered no commitments during interviews at the Texas Tribune Festival this weekend.

Ted Cruz

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz Booed Offstage For Defending Israel

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) got booed off the stage during a Christian conference in Washington on Wednesday for conveying his support for Israel.

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Slams Harry Reid For Using Smear Campaign Against Koch Brothers

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) slammed the Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday for allegedly using a smear campaign against the Koch brothers.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio More Interested in Presidential Race

Republican lawmakers Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have finally expressed clear desire to pursue their party's nomination for the presidential race in 2016.

FAA Lifts Flight Restriction In Israel

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has lifted its restriction on flights to Tel Aviv on Wednesday after careful consideration of Israel's security situation.

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