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U.S. election

U.S. Democratic Colorado Senator Mark Udall at a pre-debate rally in Denver, October 15, 2014.

GOP Gardner Continuously Ahead In Colorado Polls, Democrats’ Game Plan On The Line

Two recent independent polls have again placed Democrat incumbent Sen. Mark Udall behind Republican opponent Rep. Cory Gardner in tipping point state Colorado.

Joni Ernst

Republicans Focus On Single White Women In Attempt To Defeat Democrats

Republicans this year have pushed more female candidates to run for Congress in a bid to appeal to single, white women and minority voters and gain traction over the Democrats

Illegal Votes

U.S. Political Ad Expenses To Exceed US$1B

The expenditure for political advertisements for the upcoming U.S. midterm elections will soon exceed US$1 billion, a new analysis revealed.

Rick Snyder

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Spars With Mark Schauer In Debate

Republican Governor Rick Snyder clashed with Democratic rival March Schauer during their only debate on economy, education and taxes three weeks ahead of the November election.

United States President Barack Obama

Obama Shifts Focus On Economy As Midterm Election Approaches

U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday shifted his focus on the country's economy, the issue that voters consider most important as the November midterm election approaches.

Greg Orman

No Kansas Democrat on Ballot, But Democrats Cheer Ruling

A Kansas court ruled against a lawsuit that aimed to force the state's Democratic Party to have a candidate in the election, but Kansas Democrats are actually celebrating the ruling.

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)

Key Issue in 2016 Election is 'Competence' -Boehner

House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday declared that "competence" will be the key issue in the 2016 elections, and if Florida Gov. Jeb Bush joins the race, "he's got a real shot" at winning, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Vance McAllister

Cong. Vance McAllister’s Releases TV Ad With Wife After Cheating Scandal

Louisiana Representative Vance McAllister is taking a shot at being re-elected by releasing a new TV ad that features his wife Kelly a few months after his cheating scandal erupted.

Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell Has Image Problem, Not A ‘Real Kentuckian’ –Reuters/Ipsos Poll

U.S. Senate leader Mitch McConnell's constituents think he has a problem with his public image and do not see him as a "real Kentuckian," based on a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Paul Davis

Strip Club Visit In ’98 Plunges Kansas Democrat Paul Davis Candidacy Into Controversy

Democratic candidate Paul Davis' visit to a strip club in 1998 has plunged his Kansas gubernatorial bid in controversy as critics and opponent questioned his ability to govern in light of the issue.

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Slams Harry Reid For Using Smear Campaign Against Koch Brothers

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) slammed the Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday for allegedly using a smear campaign against the Koch brothers.

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