02/23/2025 09:30:22 am

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Netflix Controls One-Third Of Peak U.S. Internet Traffic


(Photo : Reuters) Netflix is continuing to grow at a rapid rate, according to research firm Sandvile the streaming service controls one-third of all internet traffic.

Netflix is growing at a rapid rate, even with the video streaming service facing issues with Internet service providers.

Research firm Sandvile claims Netflix has reached one-third of all peak Internet traffic. Netflix traffic went from 34.21 percent in the first-half to 34.89 percent in the second-half of 2014.

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This is the largest share Netflix has had since the company started releasing data in 2011. The streaming service has been steadily surpassing YouTube and other older video services and has an especially large pull on the U.S. market.

Video is the most traffic heavy component of the Internet. Even if more people use Facebook or Twitter daily, Netflix pushes more traffic at peak times. This has been part of the large discussion toward fast lanes that prioritize larger packets such as the ones from Netflix

Even with the slight increase in Netflix, the main story in this year is the growth in other services. Facebook received an increase from 1.99 percent to 2.98 percent, thanks to its push into mobile and video.

Amazon Instant Video also saw a rise, from 1.9 percent to 2.58 percent. That's not a good sign for Amazon that Netflix's main competitor doesn't maintain as much peak Internet traffic as Facebook, which only offers videos from pages and people.

YouTube, the second largest peak Internet traffic provider in the U.S., also had an increase during the quarter, from 13 percent to 14 percent. Spotify had a slight increase, while iTunes seen a drop in traffic.

When it comes to mobile traffic, YouTube and Facebook have a much stronger pull. Netflix has not yet cracked video on mobile, possibly due to the poor app designs, which work better on TV or computer screens.

Facebook and YouTube are also more social video platforms, unlike Netflix, offering TV shows and movies. This gives them more of a grasp on the mobile market.

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