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'Watch Dogs 2' Trailer Released, Release date Announced [VIDEO]

Watch Dogs 2

(Photo : Instagram/Ubisoft) "Watch Dogs 2" takes place in the heart of the tech world, San Francisco, and it's heading to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on November 15th.

Ubisoft announced on Wednesday that Watch Dogs 2 will be out on November 15, 2016 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

 The sequel to the 2014 open world action-adventure third-person shooter takes place in the heart of San Francisco this time around with a new protagonist, Marcus Holloway.

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Information regarding the video game's release date and setting had leaked hours before Ubisoft's world premiere of the upcoming title, but the live stream reveal provided additional details about the sequel's characters and new tricks.

Ubisoft also announced that hacking is still an essential part of the game promises more control and flexibility when it comes to hacking. Watch Dogs 2 will allow players to hack every character, every vehicle and most electronics in the game. As the game progresses, players will also be able to hack a group of people together.

Ubisoft has introduced several new changes in the sequel, including an AI for NPCs to react differently with each other: they can call the cops, get into a fistfight, chase you down, etc.

Holloway is a gifted hacker from Oakland, who has been accused of a crime he didn't commit, which makes him go against the system and join the secret hacking collective Dedsec.

As mentioned earlier, the setting of the game will be concentrated in The Bay Area in San Francisco, where Holloway faces underground criminal groups, other hacker groups, and money-laundering corporations.

Holloway is not only a gifted hacker, but is also skilled in parkour and hand-to-hand combat. The variety of weapons available to him include DIY melee weapons like a billiard ball attached to a rope, tasers, 3D-printed weapons, a quadcopter for scouting areas as well as a remote controlled vehicle.

Players will also have the option to knock down opponents instead of killing them. Since Marcus is part of a community, he will not be working alone, unlike the game's predecessor.

More information about Watch Dogs 2 will be revealed at the E3 2016, which kicks off next week.

Check out the first trailer of Watch Dogs 2 below:

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