03/31/2025 05:11:24 pm

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Yotaphone 2

The YotaPhone 2 Dual Display to be Rolled Out in the U.S. Through Indiegogo Crowdfunding

Yota devices plan to release its YotaPhone 2 in the U.S. and Canadian market through a Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.


Yotaphone 2 Goes On Sale in Europe This Week

The dual-screen Yotaphone 2 will go on sale in Europe this week, after 8 months of waiting.

Xi Jinping: Proud Owner of World's First Dual-Screen Smartphone

In China to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leadership summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave Xi a diplomatic gift in the form of a YotaPhone 2 - which is not available to the rest of the world until December.

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