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Donald Trump

Trump Admits Russia Could have been Behind DNC Hacking

US President-elect Donald Trump has conceded for the first time that Russia could have been behind the hacking of Democratic Party servers during last year's presidential election.

Casey Neistat

CNN Taps YouTube Star Casey Neistat's to Bring Content to Millenials

CNN has announced that it is acquiring Beme, a mobile app launched by YouTube sensation Casey Neistat. The acquisition is reportedly valued at $25 million.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Turkey’s Conflict with Russia Threatens to Disrupt Kremlin-NATO Diplomacy

Following the recent downing of a Russian jet by Turkey at the Syrian Border, NATO is calling for an emergency meeting with its 28 allies. Russia's President Vladimir Putin has said that the pilot of Russian fighter jet Su-24 did not violate airspace rules as Turkish authorities claim. As tension continues to rise, CNN took a brief review of how Russia has abided with NATO's peace keeping agreement since the time of cold war in 1940's up to the 1990's.

Social networking giant Facebook recently launched a new app called Notify.

Facebook to Launch ‘Notify’ News Application

Facebook Inc. is getting ready to launch its new standalone news application called "Notify", which will carry real time news content.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Football News: Cristiano Ronaldo Walks Out Of CNN Interview Due To Questions About FIFA Scandal

The Real Madrid star was expecting to promote a line of headphones but was bombarded by questions about the FIFA corruption scandal.

Extended Trailer For ‘Supergirl’ Gives Us First Look; CBS Shaking Things Up

An extended trailer for "Supergirl" was recently released by CBS, giving fans a much-awaited look at the new series.


CNN, News Organizations Look to Snapchat for the Future of News

Major news agencies like CNN look to partner up with the fast-growing and famous chat app, Snapchat. They look to capitalize on the app's capability of sharing news stories and entertainment. Will their aspirations be realized with Snapchat?


CNN Film Reveals Legal Battle over World's Most Famous T. Rex Fossil

The U.S. government confiscated the T.rex in 1992.

CNN's Don Lemon Blasted For Ham-Fisted Ferguson Reporting

CNN's Don Lemon received flak for his ham-fisted reporting of the Ferguson protests on Monday following the grand jury's decision to hand down a no-indictment charge against Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown last August.

Republicans Might Have Violated Election Laws During 2014 Midterms, Twitter Used To Announce Clues

Republicans may have violated election laws during the recent 2014 midterm elections by sharing internal polling data ahead of the actual voting, a CNN report said.

CNN Latest Broadcaster To Make Surface Pro 3 Look Bad

CNN has hit another blow to the Surface Pro 3, after its commentators were seen using the Surface's kickstand to support their own iPads.

Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong Un Missing In Action, Health Issues Fuel Public Speculation

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been missing from public events, fueling public speculations regarding his health problems.

Cameron and Obama

How Scotland's Independence Makes The US Anxious

The United States' relationship with UK would essentially change with the possible spit of Great Britain, experts said. However, the White House kept its sentiments private despite the consequences it would face if Scotland voted "yes" on Thursday.

Joan Rivers' doctor reportedly took a selfie during her throat procedure at Yorkville Endoscopy

Joan Rivers Doctor Who Took Selfie, Allegedly Started Deadly Biopsy Identified

Voice doctor to the stars Gwen Korovin was outed Thursday as the physician who was in the operating suite without authorization when Joan Rivers suffered cardiac arrest on Aug. 28. Not only that, but Korovin also was named as the doctor who thoughtlessly took a selfie while the late comedienne was under anesthesia.

U.S. President Barack Obama is set to make a case to the war-weary Americans for a broader anti-ISIS strategy as the country commemorates the worst terrorism attack on U.S. soil on September 11.

ISIS Bans Math, Social Studies, and Sports For Syrian Children

After gaining control over Syria, the Islamic State terrorist group is now prohibiting thousands of children in the country from learning mathematics or social studies based on their newly released diktats.

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