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North Korea

North Korea's Moranbong Band To Visit and Provide ‘Friendship Performances’ in China

North Korea's Moranbong Band to Visit and Provide ‘Friendship Performances’ in China

North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un hopes to enhance relations and to redeem the alliance with China by sending his self-picked female band Moranbong to China.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il (C, front row) and the Workers' Party of Korea executives and delegates

Moranbong Band: Kim Jong-Un's Pop Propaganda Group to Perform in China

The Moranbong Band is set for an international tour to rebuild damages caused by North Korea's missile and nuclear tests. State media reports that the all-girl ensemble will perform in China later this week.

Deadly Pressure?

North Korean Ghost Ship Crews Driven to Starvation by Pressure to Increase Catch - Expert

The crews of the so-called "ghost ships" that have turned up in the waters off Japan's western coast may have been driven to starvation by pressure from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to increase their catch, a fisheries expert said.

China Thinks Its 'A Bad Idea' To Discuss North Korea Rights

UN to Discuss Human Rights Issues in North Korea, China Thinks its a 'Bad Idea'

China on Tuesday emphasized that it would not be a good idea for the United Nations Security Council to restore dialogue about North Korea’s alleged violation of human rights, according to Reuters.

Sun Ke of China

Chinese Super League Club Tianjin Teda Acquires MF Sun Ke For Record Amount

Tianjin Teda, a professional football club competing in the Chinese Super League, had recently completed a Chinese player transfer record of $10.6 million to acquire star midfielder Sun Ke from Jiangsu Sainty, as reported by China Daily. The transaction was the most expensive transfer for any local footballer in the history of Chinese football.

North Korea-South Korea

North Korean Soldier Crosses Heavily Armed Border on Foot and Defects to South Korea

A North Korean soldier has defected to South Korea after crossing the heavily armed military demarcation line separating the two countries by foot on Monday.

north korea

North Korea Lambasts South Korean Press Amid Top General's Execution

The Democratic People's Republic Of Korea, speculated to execute a top general last April 30, lambasted the South Korean press for 'hurting its highest dignity' after news was released about a senior defense official executed due to treason, according to Xin Hua.

Xi Jinping and John Kerry

U.S. Secretary Of State John Kerry Urges China In 'Reducing Tensions' Over South China Sea

The United States Secretary of State has expressed its concern over the disputed island in the South China Sea.

Senior North Korean military officer Hyon Yong Chol (R, front) attends the 4th Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) in Moscow in this April 16, 2015 file photo.

North Korea Executed A Top General, Speculations Arise

Hyon Yong Chol, the top general of North Korea, who recently gave a speech in the Moscow International Symposium last month, was reportedly executed with an antiaircraft gun, as hundreds of other generals and top ranking officials looked on, according to the New York Times.

kim jong un

Kim Jong Un Climbs North Korea's Highest Mountain

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has climbed the country's highest mountain. State-run media has released photos of Kim greeting members of the Korean People's Army pilots at the summit of Mt. Paektu.

Kim Jong Un

Russia Victory Day: Moscow Prepares For Kim Jong Un's Visit

In less than a month, Russia will mark its 70th Victory Day Anniversary, where at least 26 world leaders are expected to attend, most notably North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong Un Allows Hello Kitty and Winnie the Pooh Characters on Kids' Socks

Unusual comments about internationally trademarked products from Kim Jong Un, North Korea's leader, during a tour around the sock factory were published in an article on a North Korean media website on Friday.

US Ambassador to Korea attacked

U.S. Ambassador Mark Lippert's Attacker Acted Alone

The political activist who attacked Mark Lippert, the United States Ambassador to South Korea, reportedly acted alone and is known to have a history of violence.

Kim Jong Un

North Korea Fires 2 Missiles to Protests Joint U.S.-South Korea Military Drill

Pyongyang is in a bad mood - make it war mood - as it fired on Monday two short-range missiles from its east coast.

Kim Jong Un

North Korea's Growing Number of Nuclear Weapons Concerns US

The United States Government expressed concern over the growing number of North Korea’s nuclear weapons.

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