02/23/2025 06:08:12 am

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Marie de Vera

In this handout digital illustration released on September 15, 2011 by NASA, the newly-discovered gaseous planet Kepler-16b orbits it's two stars.

Scientists Discover Dark Matter “Hair” That Surrounds Earth

A new scientific study suggests that the Earth is surrounded by a "hair" of dark matter. The new study also revealed that this hair is present on all other celestial bodies in the Milky Way galaxy.


New App Opens New World For High Tech Medication

A new smart phone application has been released to help users to have an easy access in self medication and prescription of doctors, according to CBSLA local.

Blood Donation

Red Cross Demands More Donations To Cope Up Incoming Shortages

Red Cross demands people to donate more blood to support and to supply the incoming summer shortage. Recent survey of Red Cross’ blood and platelet donors supports this call showing that more than 40 percent of these donors would take vacations on before and after the Independence Day and it was concluded that many may unable to donate.


Memory Loss Predicts Alzheimer’s Before Official Diagnosis

An extensive scientific study recently announced that symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease can be detected 18 years before the actual diagnosis. The study pointed that memory loss during middle age can be a manifestation of future Alzheimer’s disease.

Child Abuse Scandal

More U.S. Kids Are Being Abused [Study]

There is currently an alarming rate of children and teenagers in the United States who are being abused or physically assaulted by their family members and peers.

Avril Lavigne

Find Out How Avril Lavigne Is Doing In Her Fight Against Disease

Avril Lavigne is once again in the spotlight, but this time, the reason is not good.

Health Officials Expect Active West Nile Season

Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Cautions Livestock Owners: Tips to Prevent West Nile Virus

Living outside the metro gives you higher possibility of being attacked by mosquitoes. The tendency could be itchy, but that's not an issue except for a threat of West Nile Virus. Aside from humans, livestock is also in danger.


WHO: Lindane Insecticides And DDT Can Lead To Cancer

On Tuesday, WorldHealth Organization cancer agency says that a non-hodgkin lymphoma, a type of disease that can cause cancer to a human body was linked to the insecticide lindane.


HIV-AIDS Infection Rate Increases Worldwide

AIDS experts on Thursday warned that high rates of HIV infection combined with rapid growth population mean the next half- decade will be critical for rolling back AIDS.


New Study Suggests That Pancreatic Cancer Can Be Detected By Blood Test

A recently published medical finding suggests that there is a new blood test that could detect deadly pancreatic cancer as early as possible to improve patient’s struggles for survival.


Experts Warns Ebola Epidemic Taking Toll On Malaria Treatment In Guinea

Ebola epidemic in Guinea fights back against malaria in the country bringing an estimated number of 74,000 malaria cases being untreated in 2014, experts have warned.

Skinny jeans

Wearing Tight Jeans Putting Life At Risk

A 35 year old Australian woman, never been mentioned her name, was rushed to Royal Adelaide Hospital after having suffered severe swelling below the knees in both legs, so much so that doctors had to cut her jeans off the previous day, says reports on Monday in the journal Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

Chinese New Year As Chinatown Prepares To Usher In Year Of The Sheep

Chinese People Are Now Wealthier Not Healthier [REPORT]

The survey conducted reported that Chinese people are getting bigger despite the fact that there are lots of diet plans being offered left and right. China is next to United States having 62 million overweight.

Spanish Women Take Up The Traditionally Male Sport Of Boxing

Top 3 Effective Ways to Lose Weight Faster

Losing weight could be one of the many problems of men and women in any parts of the world today. Eventhough there are hundreds or even thousands of diet plans being presented, yet only few can actually follow it properly and achieve the desired weight successfully.

Health Officials Expect Active West Nile Season

West Nile Virus Signs and Prevention: Chicago Negative in Spreading Virus

The Department of Public Health of Chicago already started their yearly prevention of spreading mosquito viruses. Their one effective way is to put larvicle into the basins to lessen the number of mosquitoes carrying viruses and diseases.

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