03/12/2025 03:29:39 am

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Marco Foronda


New Microscope Rapidly Captures 3D Images of Molecules

This new microscope produces impressive images of cellular life with minimal damage to cells.

A woman tries a Lenovo tablet

Lenovo Joins Wearable Bandwagon with Its New 'Smartband'

Lenovo's Smartband SW-B100 is compatible with iOS, Windows phone and Android devices.

Apple Pay

U.S. Pharma Chains CVS and Rite Aid Reject Apple Pay

Apple Pay can't be used for payment in CVS and Rite Aid.

Levick's Diary

Journal of Failed Antarctic Expedition Found After 100 Years

The notebook is a missing part of the official expedition record.


AT&T to Lock Apple SIM Cards for iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3

AT&T said it will only lock the Apple SIM and not the iPads.

Giant shark Megalodon

Extinction of History's Largest Shark may have Triggered the Growth of Whale Numbers

It was a massive 60-foot shark and the largest predator in ancient oceans.

Google Exec Alan Eustace Skydives From 136K Feet of Stratosphere

Senior Vice President of Google Alan Eustace jumped from a parachute that reached nearly-space.


Chimps Turn into Night Raiders in Search of Food

he study suggest human invasion of the chimps habitats may trigger the animals' frequent rummaging for food.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II Posted Her Very First Tweet

The British monarch is also on Twitter.

Pre-Historic Humans Lived in Homes where They Could Hardly Breathe

High-altitude sites were once home for ancient humans.

Wiseman and Gerst on the fist spacewalk on the ISS in months

NASA and SoundCloud Partner to Launch Space Sounds Playlist

Now you can listen to the soundtrack of space on NASA's SoundCloud

Sony PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 to Release Major Update October 28

Share Play, Customization of music and themes, YouTube sharing are coming to PS4 next week.


Apple to Add 25 More Retail Stores in China

Chinese consumers will have more store options when buying Apple products.

Japanese robot

Japan Develops Functional Transformer Robot

Meet Jadeite Quarter, Japan's transformer robot.

Galaxy Tab 4 Nook 10.1

Samsung and Barnes & Noble Launches Galaxy Tab 4 Nook 10.1 With Free Content

A new bigger tablet with lots of best-selling books and TV shows is brought to you by Samsung and Barnes & Noble.

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